Link Round Up | Friday Reads


Courtesy of Grey Malin’s “Beaches”

It’s one of the last Fridays of the summer, so things are real quiet at my office. I’ll be daydreaming of reading all the things at the beach, so this week’s links is a link/Friday reads hybrid.

Currently Reading

The Givenness of Things by Marilynne Robinson — savoring this one, one essay at a time.

Master of the Mountain: Thomas Jefferson and His Slaves by Henry Wiencek — pretty damning look at Jefferson. Not the most uplifting commute audiobook, but so important.

Life Debt (Aftermath #2) by Chuck Wendig — the second in the Star Wars Aftermath trilogy.

Links I’m reading/emailing/tweeting to everyone 

YouTubers are known for relentless positivity. But what happens when that positivity is applied to North Korea? Is there room for critical thinking in the positivity vacuum?

Joseph Goebbels’ secretary is now 105 years old and sharing her story.

So much of the work done by Black women is brushed under the rug and forgotten by history. Luckily, Hollywood has picked up this story of the Black female mathematicians at NASA who contributed to the Apollo 11 mission.

Why every coffee shop and hip apartment look exactly the same.


An ode to the Villainesses of Disney.

The fascinating article about Rose Wilder and Laura Ingalls Wilder getting the Little House books published. Much rougher around the edges (and more than a little like Ron Swanson) than their fictional counterparts, the real Wilder Women are definitely more interesting.

3 thoughts on “Link Round Up | Friday Reads

  1. I’ve fallen out of reading a little bit! I haven’t done anyway in quite a while and I’ve got so much stuff I want to work through and read. I get waylaid by Youtube and cross-stitching! xD

    • That’s actually how I started listening to audiobooks! I kept getting distracted by other things, so now I listen while driving/cooking/etc.

      • I’m listening to the first Game Of Thrones at the minute and I’m really near the end. The only trouble is, I’ve fallen out of listening to that too! 😂

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