Link Round-Up | Reading


This week, when I wasn’t bawling over Michelle Obama’s convention speech, I was reading great stuff on the internet. AKA what I’m doing every week.

Relevant to this post — Reading lists are the new mixtapes. How we take it upon ourselves to find and share great links with the people we know or want to know better.

This year is depressing, so I’ve had a hard time watching “prestige tv,” opting instead to watch Friends and Psych. This list from the AV Club of best shows so far this year might sway me.

A stray cat snuck into a zoo and found another cat. I can barely handle this link.

Someone articulated shit Hillary can’t say. (It is not clear to all commenters that Hillary Clinton did not, in fact, write this).


Viet Thanh Nguyen, author of The Sympathizer, was on NPR’s Fresh Air in May talking about his book and his own experiences living in Vietnam and as a Vietnamese immigrant in America.

Two Monks Invent Denominations. RIP The Toast. I’ve been going back through the archives and reading articles I missed or re-reading ones I love. Two Monks are the best monks.

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