The re-return | February TBR

I’m back y’all.


For a host of reasons including, but not limited to, the GRE and the holidays, my absence from the blog was longer than anticipated. But I have returned, with renewed reading zeal after three months of algebra and flashcards.

I haven’t really set firm goals this year like I did last year, instead going a little more for a month-by-month strategy. Since February is Black History Month, I decided to read at least 75% Black authors.

The goal is to have a mix of both social-justice oriented heavy books with exploring Black authors of genre fiction and literary fiction.

So far, the list looks like this:

Non-Black authors:

To get to 75%, I either need to finish My Brilliant Friend by February or add an additional book by a Black author. Nine books in one month is pretty ambitious already, so I’m hoping I don’t have to add another book to get to my percentage.