Halloween | Read, listen, and watch

We have a fortnight until Halloween! Here in Michigan, it’s still light out until 7:30 or 8:00 at night until the middle of October, so it doesn’t feel Halloween-y until then. That really only leaves about two weeks for creating the spooky Halloween atmosphere, so my Halloween picks are not as extensive.


My book club is reading October County, a collection of Ray Bradbury short stories. It’s creepy and atmospheric, like everything Ray Bradbury writes.

I’m also binge-reading Fables, a noir-esque take on classic fairy tales. The whole series has the feeling of a cloud of smoke hanging over it.


The Munsters is currently on Netflix, so that’s where you’ll find me all month. Don’t ask me to choose between the Munster family and the Addams.


Welcome to Night Vale is a given around this time of the year. Somewhere, someone is making a haunted house based on the dog park.

“Danger and Dread” 8tracks playlist
I can always count on 8tracks to give me the exact feel I’m looking for and this Halloween I’ve been listening to a ton of the “southern gothic” playlists, but this one is the best.

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