Spring Break Reads and Listens

I got to spend a long weekend in sunny Florida with my mom soaking up sun and heat last week. It was the perfect antidote to this long, arduous winter to just sit in the sun and fry (just kidding, skin cancer is real folks. Except I’m super pale so I did fry. But onward!). And of course, what is a beach day without a few books?

I’m finally getting into this one, after getting it for my birthday several months ago. I read about half of it at the beach. I heard someone describe it as a socialist Pride and Prejudice and I wish I could remember who it was because that description is spot on. So far, there’s been lots of pride, a little prejudice, and explorations of family, class, and the ethics of burgeoning capitalism.

The Winter PeopleThis one may seem like a strange beach read, but bear with me. I really enjoy suspenseful, borderline horror stories but I am a huge scaredy-cat. Add the fact that my apartment makes a lot of weird noises at night and horror just isn’t something I normally read. I find the beach, however, is the perfect place to read these kinds of stories. How could you possibly be terrified when it’s so sunny and peaceful? I didn’t finish this one on the beach either, but I did stay up late finishing it one night (which then required watching some Friends to stop being freaked out) and a review is forthcoming.

I also brought my tablet for reading some great articles, including an old New Yorker piece on the beauty of Parks and Rec and the pitfalls of “you’re welcome.” I also listened to Julie Andrews on Here’s the Thing with Alec Baldwin and a fantastic two-part episode of This American Life called “Cops See Things Differently” (part one, part two).

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