Birthday Book Haul

My birthday was last week and several of my lovely family members got me books! This pile also counts as my current TBR.

Bad Feminist

Roxane Gay’s collection of essays about feminism and what it means to dance to sexist music and be a feminist. She talks about race and gender and class with a critical, sometimes humorous, eye. So far I’ve read a couple of the essays and I love how she balances serious critique with levity and her ability to engage in criticism without the baggage of dense academic language.

Yes Please!

I love so much of what Amy Poehler is and I am so excited to read her book. One thing I noticed when I first picked it up is that it is weirdly heavy because it is printed on thick, glossy paper. It’s worth it, though, because the design on the inside of the book is fantastic. Old family photos, bright 2-page section headers. One of my favorite things about Amy Poehler is that she acknowledges that she has worked really hard and put herself in positions to succeed, but also that she has benefitted from luck and goodwill of others as well.

100 Years of Solitude

After my post about tracking my reading, I’ve been looking more closely at who and what I read. One area I noticed I was woefully under-reading is anything by authors of color, and especially classics by authors of color. Where better to start that 100 Years of Solitude? I’ve heard amazing things and this particular edition is beautiful.

North and South

The Youtube curmudgeon BazPierce introduced me to this one. He described it as Pride and Prejudice for communists, which just sounds delightful. That’s really the extent of my knowledge about this book, but based on that I’m looking forward to picking it up.

Heading into finals, reading is slow going. But I’m definitely planning to finish these by the end of winter break, just in time to start my 2015 TBR.